Quick Drive
Quick Drive - A Showcase
January 3rd, 2023

Quick Drive is a multi platform application with the goal of simplifying the administrative work for driving schools in Switzerland. The application is currently in development and is not yet available. This article will showcase the current state of the application.

Introduction to Quick Drive

The main focus of the application is to provide an easy-to-use platform for scheduling driving lessons, managing student records and generating invoices.

One of the key features of Quick Drive is the calendar view, which allows driving instructors to easily schedule lessons with their students. The current state of the app features a responsive calendar view that allows instructors to quickly schedule lessons and manage their students' schedules. The calendar view also includes a range of features such as the ability to access lessons for a specific student as well as the possibility to quickly identify lessons that have been scheduled for a specific date.

A screenshot of the calendar view on mobile and ipad

In addition to the calendar view, Quick Drive also includes a student management system that allows instructors to quickly add and manage their students' records. This includes adding new students and editing or deleting existing records.

A screenshot of the student management system

Finally, Quick Drive includes a range of finance tools that allow instructors to quickly generate invoices and manage their students' payments. The system is able to generate invoices for lessons that have been scheduled and also keep track of payments and manage invoices that have been sent. Sending invoices is as simple as selecting the student and the corresponing lessons are automatically added to the invoice. To make things even easier, Quick Drive also includes a payment tracking system that allows instructors to keep track of which students have paid and which have not. Payments are managed through Stripe, which allows instructors to accept payments from their students through a variety of payment methods.


For future development, I plan to include a progress management system that allows instructors to keep track of their students' progress and performance. It should provide the ability to add notes and comments to each student's record, as well as track their progress through the various stages of the driving curriculum. This can be especially useful for keeping track of how their students are progressing and identifying any areas where they may need additional support or guidance. Finally, I plan to include a range of additional features that will make it easier for instructors to manage their courses, instructors as well as their vehicles and other resources.

I am excited to bring this application to market and hope that it will be well received by the target audience. Beta testing is set to begin soon, so stay tuned!